Learn Quality WoodWorking That’ll Amaze Your Family & Friends

Wood Table

Checkout the incredible table above – looks professionally made, doesn’t it?

Well, it’s not.

This is the work of a woodworking hobbyist, just like you. All it took was some knowledge, plans, and of course a little practice.

How would your wife react if you presented this table, and told her you built it yourself?

Imagine her reaction – she’d be pretty impressed, right?​

And so she should be. That’s a flipping fine table, and you pieced it together with your own hands.​

Imagine that warm satisfied feeling. You built this, and you’re impressing people.

Man Woodworking

So how do you get from where you are now, to that triumphant moment where your friends and family see your killer project for the first time?

That’s why BuildEazy was created – to help you build amazing woodworking pieces right there in your own home.

You don’t need any natural-born talent. You don’t need to be a handyman. Anyone can do this with the right advice, the right materials and tools, and a plan. That, and the willingness to sweat a little.

You can be that “woodworking guy” who your friends and family brag about. They’ll show pictures of your work to other people – because that’s just how impressive you are.

Woodworking is one of the most satisfying hobbies you’ll find anywhere. It’s hard to beat that feeling when you take a step back and look with amazement on your freshly finished project.

You took all these materials and tools, and turned them into something incredible. It’s very satisfying, very impressive, and very bossly.

How To Get From Woodworking Zero To Hero

OK, enough talk, we’re here to build.

Getting started with your first projects is easy, you need just a few simple things:

  1. A space to work.
  2. Some basic hand tools and power tools.
  3. Materials.
  4. A quick safety lesson (trust me).
  5. Project plans.

Your First Step To Become the Boss of Woodworking

1. A Space To Work

Nearly everyone has a space that they can use to learn woodworking. Even some people who live in small apartments have managed to not only get started with woodworking, but to also become amazing at it.

Of course the more space you have, the better. A garage or garden shed that you can clear some space in would be perfect.

When it comes to choosing your space, there’s a few other factors to take into consideration such as power outlets, where to store tools and materials, what you’ll need to fit in there and how much space it’ll take, and stuff like that.

2. Hand Tools And Power Tools

Hand tools are the foundation of any woodworker who’s worth their salt, and these are some of the first things that you should consider buying.

You should also pick up some basic power tools that’ll make your life much easier – and will also improve the quality of your work, without you having to become a master with hand tools.

Our free guide goes through everything you need and why you need it in a lot more detail. You probably already have some of this stuff just lying around your house.

Don’t worry too much about the quality of your first tools – you don’t need to spend big. Just get affordable tools that are good enough to get you started. They’re almost just as good, and you can reward yourself with fancier stuff as you progress.

3. Materials

You’ll need a basic understanding of the different types of wood, and which types are best suited to certain types of projects.

It might sound a bit tricky, but it’s really not. Our free guide goes through everything you need to know. Other materials like glue, nails, screws, etc are also covered – and they’re even easier to understand.

While there are loads of different types of wood, there’s really only a few different types that you’ll be using for most of your projects.

4. A Quick Safety Lesson

You want to build some awesome woodworking pieces – but, we’re going to assume that you also don’t want to chop a finger off in the process, right?

If that is something you want… well, eh, you’re in the wrong place. Whatever floats your boat.

But in all seriousness, a certain level of knowledge about how to keep yourself (and others) safe while woodworking is essential. There’s nothing complicated or extremely tedious – it’s just some good common sense.

5. Project Plans

All your preparation up to this point won’t get you anywhere, unless you have some woodworking project plans that you can use to get started.

At the very least, you should grab a pencil and sketch out what you want to make. But this can be a bit confusing because you need to include measurements, and figure out what materials you need and in what quantity.

Of course, our free guide also contains several project plans for you to use. The whole guide builds up to these plans – so you’ll be able to get started with your chosen workspace and the tools that we recommend.​


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