Pull-up bars are a great way to exercise without taking up too much space. The only issue is that these are usually only found at gyms.
Well, the good ones are, anyway. Sure, you can get those home ones that stick to the door frame (and inevitably fall in the middle of a session), but surely there’s a better option?

Well, there is! Why not just build your pull-up bar at home? It’s a lot easier than you think, and there are so many types you could try out.
We’re going to be focusing on how to build an outdoor pull-up bar – perfect for those pleasant days. Let’s get into it.
How To Build An Outdoor Pull-Up Bar
Building a pull-up bar is a lot easier than you think! Let’s take a look at what you will need and the steps you’ll need to follow below.
The tools you will need:
- Circular saw
- Sander
- Drill
The materials you will need:
- x4 8-foot two-by-six boards
- x2 pipe flanges
- x1 4-foot long ¾ inch steel pipe
- x6 4-foot two-by-four board
- x8 2.5-inch screws
- House paint (exterior)
- Protective enamel (spray)
- Rusty metal primer (spray)
How To Build A Pull-Up Bar – The Method

- First, you need to align two of your 8-foot boards into a triangle on the floor.
- Next, align your 4-foot board at the triangle’s base. This should create a full triangle.
- Using a sharpie or similar item to mark the area, draw a line on the corners of the long 8-foot boards. This should result in the top of the triangle looking sharp and fitted.
- Use your sharpie to also line the excess wood off the 4-foot board. This section will need to be cut off to fit the triangle cleanly.
- Now, you will need to trim your boards using the circular saw. Carefully follow the lines you drew using your sharpie, and they will look perfect.
- When you have finished cutting the 7-foot boards, you can then use them to trace the lines for the other side of the pull-up bar. You will also need to cut those boards to size and ensure they fit together.
- You can also cut off the excess wood from the bar that makes up the base of the triangle. Be careful when using a circular saw, as it is a dangerous tool.
- Be sure that both sides of the triangle you are forming look identical. All 8-foot boards should fit with their partner perfectly.
- Now that the boards have been trimmed and fit together well, you will need to drill them together. Get your two 8-foot boards and drill 2.5-inch screws at the top to drill them together. This will ensure that the two pieces stay together.
- Get your trimmed base board, and use two 2.5-inch screws to attach them to the rest of the frame. Place one screw on each side.
- Repeat the steps to put the other half of the frame together.
- Now, you will need to prepare the bar you intend to use. To do this, you will need to sand it down by using your sander.
- Once sanded, you will need to attach a pipe flange to each end of the bar. Be sure to measure the bar’s length from the edge of the pipe flange on either side.
- Using the measurement you just took of the pipe, cut two two-by-four inch boards into that length. These will be used to make the bottom spacers.
- Next, cut two more boards from two-by-four boards, but add six inches to the length.
- You will need to screw the shorter piece onto the longer with deck screws. Ensure that each shorter end is equidistant from the longer piece’s end (roughly three inches).
- To add extra strength, make sure you use screws on both sides of the two-by-four-inch blocks.
- Time to paint! You can now use that rusty color and primer and coat the pipe.
- Add two coats of thick primer to the wood, allowing them to dry thoroughly between coats.
- Next, spray on a protective enamel, and wait for it to dry
- After the protective enamel has dried, you can use the exterior house paint of your choice and paint the wood. This will help protect it from weathering and damage.
- Now comes the time for you to put everything together. To do this, get your deck screws out, and screw the bottom space pieces (two-by-four) to one of the 8-foot (two-by-six) pieces that make up the triangular frame. This will create the base frame.
- Use the holes of the pipe flange and screw the pipe to the top of the frame you have created.
- Next, screw the second 8-foot frame to the base. Be sure to add screws at all the angles, too, as this will help ensure that the structure remains secure.
- You can now stand the structure up. The tips of the triangles should face the sky.
- To make sure the bar is strict, use a level. If needed, you can use additional screws to even things out so that your pull-up bar is perfect.
- Once everything is even, you can use your bar!
NOTE: This structure is perfect for regular chin-ups or pull-ups, but you should not swing on them. If you wish to test out your acrobatics, head over to the gym (or playground). For safety reasons, you shouldn’t be swinging on the bars you built.
Final Thoughts
That’s all there is to build your own pull-up bar! Hopefully, you will be able to follow each step and build yourself the perfect home gym. Remember – you don’t have to stop at a pull-up bar!
There are plenty of other home gym equipment types you can build yourself indoors or outdoors!
If you build this outdoor pull-up bar, let us know how it went in the comments below! If you’re struggling, here is a fantastic tutorial you can watch to help you along: