How to make a simple garden stool

This project shows how to make a strong, basic, outside stool; a very useful implement to have in any garden. More often than not, a sturdy garden stool is used for many purposes other than for just ...
This project shows how to make a strong, basic, outside stool; a very useful implement to have in any garden. More often than not, a sturdy garden stool is used for many purposes other than for just ...
So... You already have a solid 1800mm (6ft) high fence around your pool area but the towering houses surrounding your property still look down into the yard. A 2500mm (8'-4") high fence would ...
Introduction - Floor plan This article explains how a temporary floor was made for a galvanized steel shed.We emphasize 'temporary' because the floor was not anchored to the ground in any ...
Build a gated arbor by Les Kenny Introduction and lumber requirements This narrow (depthwise) gated arbor is basically two gate posts with an overhead top consisting of two short decorative ...
This project "how to build a gate" to match a trellis top fence was sent to us by Esteban Ramirez, Pinole CA/USA. Materials: Three 2"X4"X8' for the gate sides.One 2X2.Four 90 degrees angle ...
Introduction: An arbor or a pergola? This structure might be called either an arbor or a small pergola, but we will call it an arbor. What's the difference? Definition of an arbor A ...
This complete plan-set can be purchased in downloadable PDF format with more pictures free of advertising and print friendly. Introduction This handy boot bench can be made in just a ...
Making a circle with a given radius Some of the Buildeazy woodworking projects include pieces that may have one, two or even three rounded or curved edges, such as the piece in the image below ...
Introduction and plans This step stool is a very practical, multi-purpose unit which would find a place in just about any house. It serves as a set of steps, a seat and a stand, all in one.The ...
Introduction This article explains how to make a template for a spiral Wind-Spinner. To see how to make a spiral Wind-Spinner using this template click here This template is made out ...
This pergola is called the 'box' pergola because it is built with rows of solid blockings/nogs between the rafters forming rows of square or oblong boxes. This type of pergola is becoming ...
Description & About the measurements Description This table and bench set comprises of a sturdy stand alone rectangular shaped table and two (also stand alone) bench seats. There ...
This type of wooden mailbox is along the lines of 'letterboxes' more likely to be found in the City Suburbs of Australasia.US mailboxes are designed differently and for the most have postal ...
Pattern and directions This scrollsaw pattern is designed to be used in conjunction with the Buildeazy free plan 'How to make a mailbox stand' but would also be ideal for use in other ...
Preface These plans and instructions were authored by request from a young lady who was about to embark on her first ever woodworking project. The young ladies name is Rose and she wanted to make ...
This section explains how to build a simple lumber deck, 2000mm (80") wide x 5000mm (16' 8") long and less than one 1000mm (40") above ground level. Also see Anatomy of a Deck. Construction ...
Replacing an old shower with new How to - Time involved So... You want to replace your old shower with a new one but don't know what tradesman to get, how long it will take. This article will ...
Introduction This Kid's castle playhouse is designed to be easily assembled and disassembled, allowing it to be put up at will then taken down and stored in a narrow space when the kids have ...
A very practical, portable bench - with many uses You can purchase this plan in downloadable PDF file, print-friendly and in clean copy (free of ads) below:The plans can be purchased online and ...
Base board and foam A dabble into upholstery How to upholster the seat:Modern upholstering is done (in some cases) a bit differently to the more traditional methods of the past.This padded ...
Introduction This seesaw has adjustable seats that are able to slide along the seesaw beam making it possible to balance a couple of riders of different weights. The seats can be moved ...
A handy platform cart for the garden Introduction This wooden platform cart was originally made for another specific purpose: we needed some type of implement to stand on in order to trim the ...
Introduction A garage without a floor? Sure! This garage is designed with cost in mind. It is an ideal project for the person with a limited budget, who does not want to pay the full ...
Introduction and Informative Stuff Section 1.1 Introduction A garden shed does not have to be an eyesore, but a lot of them certainly are! People tend to buy or build a shed solely for ...
Introduction, the plans and cutting list This project, as with other Buildeazy projects, is designed with the home handyman or DIYer in mind. Joints that might require the expertise of a ...
Introduction and lumber requirements This arbor is a solid construction consisting of 100x100 (4x4) posts concreted into the ground, 100x50 (2x4) rafters and 50x50 (2x2) laths. The overall ...
Introduction Stilts are simple to make and a lot of fun! These stilts have adjustable foot rests and can be used by kids aged from around 8 years to adults. They are a great tool to ...
Making a folding stick chair by Les Kenny This particular stick chair was designed for and built by Robyn, a novice woodworker and only her second ever woodworking project. You can see more ...
Introduction My Ireland bench seat I call this 'My Ireland Bench Seat Project'. Not because it has traits similar to any type of traditional Irish furniture or structure - but simply because I ...
Introduction - Materials list Introduction, about the measurements and the material requirements This plywood playhouse can be dismantled and reassembled.I made this playhouse for my ...
In this tutorial we explain how to lay a paving block path. For added style and ease we have replaced traditional paving stone concrete edging with 100x100 (4x4) treated lumber. This method of ...
Materials list Before building this pergola........ Check with your local authority to see if any Building permits, permissions, or conditions are required.Check with the utility companies to ...
As well as this free online version, You can also purchase this plan in downloadable PDF file, print-friendly and in clean copy (free of ads).The plans can be purchased online and immediately ...
Easy step-by-step picture laden instructions - Just follow along By Les Kenny This style of bench has been around for yonks.This is my version of it. I have authored another (cheaper-to-make) ...
The supporting branch or beam Introduction This is more or less your traditional basic rope swing, which might be seen hanging from the branch of a suitable tree in many a yard.In our case, ...
Two bench seats that fold into a picnic table Introduction This folding picnic table and bench seat combination consists of two individual bench seats with backs that can be folded over and up ...