How to make an indoor Rabbit Hutch

Introduction and photos When asked to build granddaughter an indoor rabbit hutch for her second birthday, I was forced to acknowledge that I knew very little about rabbits and hutches and in fact ...
Introduction and photos When asked to build granddaughter an indoor rabbit hutch for her second birthday, I was forced to acknowledge that I knew very little about rabbits and hutches and in fact ...
Introduction and Description Introduction This is an outside hutch where the guinea pig can spend the warmer months.In the summer an outside hutch is great, guinea pigs love to eat fresh ...
Introduction All measurements throughout this project are given in both standard (ft and inches) and metric (mm).The imperial (standard) measurements are given first followed by the metric ...
Introduction Managing a small flock of chickens is much easier if you do not have to get up and open the chicken coop door in the morning and close the chicken door after dusk.Also, the ...
The Ultimate Chicken Coop by Les Kenny Preface I originally designed 'The Ultimate Chicken Coop' for a monthly magazine called the 'Lifestyle Block' - a practical small farm guide.. ...